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Video Carousel (Vimeo)

Video Carousel need more setup then normal Carousel and need to setup proper same image size to looks good. with Vimeo video you have to setup all Carousel images with same.

Setup 1 – setup Vimeo video and video time.

Step 2poster image upload at image manager.

Need to upload poster for video. take out image from video or screenshot and upload at image manager.

then add image name at Poster image section like below screenshot.

here is our sample poster image – https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-9u6dasuoh9/images/stencil/original/image-manager/poster.png

Debug – Small Size Vimeo Video

Video Carousel (Vimeo) small size due to missing poster image. follow below video guide and use dummy image . Download

More Guide base on request.